When big game hunting in the National Elk Refuge, Bridge-Teton National Forest and Grand Teton National Park there are very specific regulations and requirements regarding; hunter safety cards, recovery times, firearms, road closures, incremental hunt area closures, biological collection kits, hunt area boundaries, grizzly bears, licenses and permits. Please call us or visit the following links for applications and specific hunting regulations when hunting in the Jackson Hole Area.
Links to Hunting Information
• Wyoming Game and Fish Department WEB »
• National Elk Refuge WEB »
• Grand Teton National Park WEB »
3 Day Horseback Cow Elk Hunt
• 3 Day Cow or Calf Elk Horseback Hunt: $1,700 for 1 Tag, $1,950 for 2 Tags, $2,200 for 3 Tags
• 7000 Elk winter every year on the National Elk Refuge
• Harvest up to 3 Cow or Calf Elk
It’s a great hunt for young and old!
Youth Refuge Hunt
• $2,200 Includes 2 day 1:1 hunter/guide ratio, 1 free parent ride along, local guide with knowledge and expertise of area, horses with all gear needed to retrieve harvest from the field.
Application Deadlines for Elk
Elk Applications period is 4 Jan-1 Feb. Hunt areas are: 79 and 75, Results of the draw are 5/20. We recommend that you apply for a Grand Teton National Park hunt area 75-4 or a 75-6 type six Elk license. That way we can hunt in both the National Elk Refuge and Grand Teton National Park.
Elk Hunting in the National Elk Refuge
The starting point for hunting elk on the National Elk Refuge is obtaining a valid Wyoming elk hunting license through the Wyoming Game & Fish Department. Once hunters have a valid license, they are eligible to apply for an elk hunting permit on the refuge (Hunt Area 77).
The permission slip for the National Elk Refuge allows the hunter to use a valid elk license from any other Hunt Unit in the state of Wyoming within the National Elk Refuge. There have been leftover area 75 tags that you can buy over the counter in July if you miss the drawing deadline in January. We can assist you in getting your permission slip.
The National Elk Refuge, Elk Hunting Information and Regulations four-page handout thoroughly explains the refuge permit application process, along with general elk hunting information, special regulations, access and travel while hunting, and retrieval of harvested animals. Click HERE to download.
Elk hunters should also remember that permit holders with three valid Wyoming elk hunting licenses may use and fill three licenses while hunting on the refuge. Elk hunters attempting to fill their valid licenses during the same hunt period do not need to apply for three refuge permits. National Elk Refuge Elk Hunting »
Non-hunters: no charge if accompanying by foot or vehicle. $300 per day if hunting horseback, subject to horse/space availability.
A 50% deposit is due when booking. Hunts are scheduled in the order of deposits received and upon confirmation of your tag draw. The remaining balance of your guided hunt will be due upon arrival.
For your convenience you can simply download our booking form by clicking here, fill out and along with your 50% deposit mail to:
Ralph Greene
4567 County Road 123
Bedford, WY 83112
TagNDrag is the only outfitter offering hunts in Grand Teton National Park and on the Jackson Wyoming National Elk Refuge.
Resident & Non-Resident
The Grand Teton National Forest and National Elk Refuge Hunt license is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hunt the wild, free-ranging elk near beautiful Jackson Hole. You’ll want to begin planning and preparing for your adventure to insure a successful and enjoyable experience.